Send Love to Texas, Share Love with Florida

Our prayers are with our neighbors in Texas and along the Gulf who’ve been impacted by Hurricane Harvey, and with our neighbors close to home who’ve been impacted by Hurricane Irma, storms that will undoubtedly have ongoing effects in both of these communities for many weeks and months to come.
If you feel called to help in a tangible way, here are some ways you can do that:
- Donate to Week of Compassion, the relief, refugee and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. You can make a donation at and designate ‘US Storms’ for 100% of your gifts to help communities rebuild after storms such as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.
- Send CWS Emergency Cleanup Buckets. Assemble a cleanup bucket – based on a prescribed packing list – for a family that will soon begin cleaning up the messes Harvey and Irma left behind. Send the bucket to Church World Service for distribution. Later, CWS will have a need for hygiene kits, as well, but the most urgent need is for these cleanup buckets.
For other ways to help, check out:
- The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Southwest, the regional church in that includes the churches and communities hit hardest by Hurricane Harvey.
- The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Florida, the regional church that includes the churches and communities hit hardest by Hurricane Irma.