Introducing your Transition Team

The transition team is responsible for creating a smooth transition from our current pastor to our new pastor. God blessed us with eighteen wonderful years under Jeff’s guidance and care. Now we want to ensure that Jeff enjoys the smooth transition he deserves as God leads him to the next phase of where he’s needed. It is also our goal to provide a smooth transition through the process of finding the next person God calls to lead the congregation.
It is important to realize the transition team is not responsible for selecting the next pastor. That responsibility will be carried out by the pulpit committee.
The transition team will handle the time between Jeff’s retirement and the new pastor. The transition team is made up of team leader Cathy Hamilton, Lisa Stoneking, Bill Ringgold, Sheri Lung, and Robert Presley.
We will be reaching out to the congregation through discussion groups, surveys, and one-on-ones, to gather your feedback on how we are doing now, and what you would like to see from an interim pastor.
Some key dates for the congregation: Jeff’s last Sunday is January 14, 2018. From January 21, 2018, through April 1, 2018, we will rely on the congregation’s own talent while we select an Interim pastor, whom we hope to have in place April 8, 2018.
We are also very pleased to announce that Fred Caldwell has agreed to serve temporarily on Sundays to carry out the primary functions we are accustomed to seeing Jeff fulfill. He and Karen have both agreed to share other pastoral care roles for the congregation.
Our goal throughout this time is to ensure the needs of the congregation and our community are met to the best of our abilities.
God Bless,
Your Transition Team