District Assembly 2018 Recap

Business Reports
Regional, presented by Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig
The Regional Assembly will be in Daytona Beach, October 4 for clergy, 5-7 for everyone. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Terri Hord-Owens. On Saturday evening, we’ll have a Disciples-hosted festival, open to the community, featuring food trucks, games, Christian bands, etc. This will be a fundraiser for disaster response at the local and global levels. We’ll also be collecting toys for an orphanage in Haiti, where they support more than 260 children who’ve been orphaned by disaster. We’ll also be collecting medical supplies to send to a medical center in Puerto Rico.
The Regional Church has been in the process of a redesign, has developed a Leadership Council that includes a representative from each congregation.
Also working on developing a system of Regional Pastors, who would assist in providing care and support for clergy in the area. They would support no more than 6 clergy members. Who, in this area, geographically, has those gifts and might be willing to serve in this special capacity?
Lissette Acosta is a new chair of the Commission on Ministry. Clergy may experience a delay getting their standing card during the transition since Margaret Marquis’s resignation. Please pray for Margaret, whose husband recently passed.
Retreat at Silver Springs, presented by Rev. Mary Beth Harper
Your camp and conference center is alive and well and a wonderful, happy place. Broke ground yesterday on a new pavilion with $55,000 donation.
Disciples Men are developing space for Children’s Worship and Wonder training facility.
Very excited about summer camps, which start this weekend. It is not too late to register for camp. Some camps are still looking for counselors, and we have a special need for male counselors.
Florida Christian Center, presented by Rev. Kimberly Weir
The denominational outreach ministry in the North Florida District. More than 300 senior and disabled adults living in the various residences of the Florida Christian Center. One of the Center’s primary ministries is transportation, but other ministries include chair yoga, arts and crafts, classes and seminars. Many of the activities at the Center are open to seniors from the community, not just residents. Also just started offering a caregivers’ support group for caregivers of people with dementia.
District Financial Report & Budget, presented by Pastor Doretta Stevens
Last year, we approved a budget for 3,461. North Florida District has two standing commitments: one, the District Assembly, and, two, our state of Florida nonprofit standing. Just added another commitment, a District website. Offer financial support to Florida Christian Center and to Disciples camps, but we had a shortfall last year and offered less support to each than planned and approved at the previous meeting. The income for the District to do these things comes from the churches of the District based on individual churches’ commitments.
Election & Installation of Officers
Rev. Erin Dickey nominated and accepted as Moderator Elect for a one-year term. Rev. Glenn Turner installed Rev. Tina Christian, Pastor Doretta Stevens, and Linda Curtner as Moderator, Treasurer, and Secretary, respectively.
Message, delivered by Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig
Pastor Betsy spoke from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
We are the body, and, just as we take care of our physical bodies to make sure they’re healthy, we must also take care of the body of Christ and make sure that it is healthy.
The first part of that is unity, making sure all of our parts are working together and in harmony for the good of the whole body. We don’t have to think the same things or the same way, but we should strive for the same primary goal: the work of Jesus. We must work towards healthy ways of resolving conflict and using our words to build up the body of Christ, rather than to tear it down.
The second part is equality. Every member must be valued equally. We must see the worthiness of each individual as a beloved child of God, ourselves included. Just as Jesus loves us just as we are — but loves us too much to leave us as we are — we should love our congregations as they are, but too much to leave them as they are.
The third part is compassion. If one part of the body suffers, every part suffers with it. If another part rejoices, every part rejoices with it. A healthy body of Christ is where we walk side-by-side in suffering and in joy. We must build and strengthen our relationships with the people around us. Sometimes that means asking God to help us love someone, because our love just isn’t enough.
We must avoid making the church one of ‘personal preference.’ It does not matter if the church service is at our preferred time with our preferred music and our preferred method of sharing Communion. What matters is that we are called to make it a church of God, a church that gives glory to God.
Reflect on this: What would the church — the body of Christ — be if everyone were like me? The body of Christ needs every one of us in each of our distinct shapes and forms and qualities.
Thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped to make today possible. Thank you to our cooks who have prepared a special meal for us to share. Thank you to Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig for being with us today.
Helpful Links
- Florida Disciples Regional Church: http://www.fldisciples.org/index.html
- The Retreat at Silver Springs: http://www.theretreatatsilversprings.org/index.html
- Florida Christian Center: https://www.flchristiancenter.org/
- North Florida Disciples of Christ District: https://nfldisciples.wixsite.com/nfldisciples
- Arlington Christian Church: https://www.facebook.com/Arlington-Christian-Church-120529944628662/
- Edgewood Avenue Christian Church: http://www.edgewoodavenuecc.org
- First Christian Church, Gainesville: https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Christian-Church-Disciples-of-Christ/369962646543841
- First Christian Church, Mandarin: https://www.firstchristianjax.com/
- First Christian Church of the Beaches: http://www.fc2b.org/
- Lynnwood Christian Church: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lynnwood-Christian-Church/114737405223173
- Riverside Avenue Christian Church: http://www.jaxdisciples.com/
- Springfield Christian Church: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Springfield-Christian-Church/111479528892558
- St. Nicholas Park Christian Church: http://stnicholasparkchristianchurch.com/
- Southside Christian Church: http://www.ssccjax.org/
- The United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ of St. Augustine: http://www.uccsa.org/
This summary was prepared by Amanda Billy of First Christian Church in Mandarin. If you see an error or omission, please let us know!