Getting In Shape for a New Year

First Christian Church is strengthening its life in Christ this month. Join us as we learn how to “grow in wisdom, and stature and in favor with God and the whole human race.”
January 2018 Worship Sermons and Scriptures
Individually and as a congregation, the new year is a time to resolve to get our lives into shape.
January 6, Epiphany Sunday
Sermon: Getting in Shape: Bend at The Knees
- Matthew: 2:1-12
- Ephesians 3:1-12
We will tell the story of the traveling magi and learn from them the importance of “bending at the knees” in worship and personal prayer.
January 13, Remembering our Baptism
Sermon: Getting in Shape: Stretch Out the Arms
- Luke 3:15-17;21-22
- Isaiah 43:1-7
John’s decision to baptize Jesus required him to stretch self-image and calls all of us to “stretch our arms” to the embrace of God.
January 20, Laity Sunday
This annual worship focus reminds us that ministry is the specialty of all of us, not just ordained clergy. Mary Bushkol-Coulton, our new Chair of the Board and Congregation, will preach.
January 27
Sermon: Getting in Shape: Exercise All Our Gifts
- John 2:1-11
- I Corinthians 12:1-11
At the wedding feast in Cana, Jesus “exercised his gifts” and modeled for all of us the need to be of service.