From the Pastor: February 2020

My first Board and Cabinet Retreat was an inspiring experience for me. Together we asked God’s blessings on our new vision and mission statements:
To be the hands, feet, and beating heart of Jesus in a fragmented world by serving and welcoming all.
We seek to fulfill God’s greatest commandments: to love God, and to love our neighbors and ourselves.
The leadership is committed to using this as a guideline to evaluate everything that we do as a church family. If what we are doing does not bear witness to our vision and mission, then we will reform what we are doing. The mission statement also holds before us Christ’s mission of loving anyone we encounter. For me, it is a reminder that if I am not loving someone into new life in Christ, then I am not fulfilling God’s greatest commands.
It is a joy to serve a congregation that seeks to invite, welcome, affirm, and nurture all God’s children. I look forward to working with the church family as we witness to the love of God to all.
Laity Sunday is Feb 23. The services will include a celebration and installation of those who the congregation has called to serve in various ministries.
Your Pastor and friend, Jim