A Message to Our Graduating Seniors

Delivered by Mary Buskohl Coulton, Board Chair
Good morning. Make sure you tell your mothers “Happy Mother’s Day!”
Here we are on the steps for children’s moment. A place where you have sat many times growing up, your parents sitting in the pews listening to Kären ask you questions in preparation for the lesson she was about to tell you.
As Kären asked the questions, and you were jumping out of your seats to tell her the answers or explain your need to discuss something else, multiple things were happening in the pews.
Do you remember June Fecteau? She would get you in trouble as she sat in one of the front pews making faces at you when you sat here for Children’s Moment. Your parents & grandparents could not see her face, only yours, and they tried their hardest to get you to stop. The other thing that was happening in the pews was fear. The fear your parents and grandparents felt, wondering what you were so eager to share with the congregation. Nothing is sacred to a 3-year-old. Parents, if you do not want the congregation knowing all about your life, do not confess to a 3-year-old.
And now, today, we are handing you the pulpit to share a message.
When parents bring their children to church, multiple promises are made. Your parents and grandparents make a promise to teach you about God and to help you along not only your life journey, but your faith journey as well.
When you entered these doors, this congregation made that same promise. We promised to help teach you about God and to help you in your faith journey and the life journey you share with us.
We have watched tears. We have watched laughter. We have watched questions. We have watched the compassion you show for others. We have watched frustration. We have prayed with you and for you. We have watched you grow into amazing young adults.
Today we are celebrating you, Mitchell and Tina. You both worked hard to get to the moment you graduate from high school, something that came in the blink of an eye for your parents, grandparents, and this congregation. I am sorry for the curve ball thrown at the end of your senior year. I know you grieve the events that were planned and will not happen. Memories that were supposed to be there and are now replaced with other memories.
When we were planning this service, I asked each of you to do two things. I asked each of you to prepare a message to share with the congregation. This is something we embrace for our seniors each year. I also asked you to each chose a Bible verse or scripture to share with our message.
Do you know how many verses are in the Bible? Pastor, do you know? First Christian Church do you know?
There are 23, 145 verses in the Old Testament. 7,957 verses in the New Testament. Together there are 31,102 verses in the Bible. I asked each of you to pick one verse. That means for today there would be two verses being read. Out of 31,102 verses in the Bible your choices were endless. Then you each gave me your chosen scripture. You each chose one verse: the exact same verse. God had his hands on this service, 100%. We are so incredibly proud of both of you.
Please accept these gifts from the congregation and Karen has added something special from her. We know God has amazing plans for each of you. We are thankful he chose us to be a part of that journey. Let us pray:
Good and loving God, please bless and guide our seniors as they prepare to graduate. They are reaching the end of this journey and are preparing to begin another. May what they have learned here from this congregation and their loving families, allow them to be compassionate for others and to show others the face of God. We know the road will be bumpy. We know they will experience pain and hardship along with grace and laughter. Grant them the strength to get through each step of the journey. Give us the strength to let them spread their wings and be present when that is what they need. In your name we pray. Amen.
Scripture verse chosen by each graduating senior:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)