October 25 Worship Service

Please join us for worship from your home. If you would like to follow along, please have a candle (and a match) ready, prepare elements for Communion, and consider your participation in the offering.
Order of Worship
- Welcome, by Emily Madigan
- Gathering Music, “Ours the Journey” by Julian B. Rush
- Centering
- Lighting of the Christ Candle: Please light your candle at home.
- Reflection Music, “Truth Be Told/Come Now is the Time to Worship” by Matthew West/Brian Doerksen, performed by Lori McNeil
- Reflection on Hopeful Generosity by Tere McWhirter
- Pastoral Prayer by Tina Clark
- Children’s Moment by Mary Coulton
- Scripture, Acts 2:42-47, read by Betty Rose
- Message, “Church: A Noun or a Verb?” by Nicholle Griffith (read the full text)
- The Lord’s Supper
- Communion Music, “Let Us Break Bread Together”
- Call to Offering: You can easily participate online or through the Givelify app.
- Blessing
- Postlude, “Gavotte” by Samuel Wesley
Special Thanks
- Mary Buskohl Coulton, Camera
- Tere McWhirter, Elder