November 1 Worship Service

Please join us for worship from your home. If you would like to follow along, please have a candle (and a match) ready, prepare elements for Communion, and consider your participation in the offering.
Order of Worship
- Welcome
- Gathering Music, “Dona Nobis Pacem” arr. by Karen Buckwalter, performed by the Handbell Ensemble
- Centering
- Lighting of the Christ Candle: Please light your candle at home.
- Remembering of the Faithful Departed
- Pastoral Prayer
- Children’s Moment
- Scripture, Romans 12:1-8, read by Ellen Gibson
- Message, “Committing Ourselves to Christ” (read the full text)
- The Lord’s Supper
- Communion Music, “I Come With Joy”
- Call to Offering: You can easily participate online or through the Givelify app.
- Blessing
- Postlude, “For All the Saints” by Ralph V. Williams, with Sheri Lung on trumpet
Special Thanks
- Mary Buskohl Coulton, Camera
- Claude McWhirter, Elder