April 5 Worship Service (Palm Sunday) Worship Please join us for worship from your home. If you would like to follow along, please have a candle (and… April 5, 2020 0 1196
Sermon: Parade or Procession [Sunday, April 5] Sermon, Worship Opening Prayer We enter worship today O God with waving palms and songs of joy. We enter as ones seeking to… April 4, 2020 0 985
Sermon: Beauty Even from the Ashes of Death [Sunday, March 29] Sermon, Worship Jesus had a friend. The name of his friend was Lazarus. When you have a friend, and your friend needs… March 28, 2020 0 768
March 29 Worship Service Worship Please join us for worship from your home. If you would like to follow along, please have a candle (and… March 28, 2020 0 983
Sermon: Seeing the Beauty in Our Ashes [Sunday, March 22] Sermon, Worship Reminder: We will be worshipping remotely until further notice for the health and safety of our community during the COVID-19… March 21, 2020 0 1182