Sermon: Committing Ourselves to Christ [November 1] Sermon, Worship On this Sunday when we are asked to declare our prayers, presence, gifts, and service to the work of God… November 1, 2020 0 4410
Sermon: Church: A Noun or a Verb? [October 25] Sermon, Worship Sermon delivered by Nicholle Griffith, Vice Chairperson of the Board I chose this Acts 2 passage because church has changed… October 25, 2020 0 4050
Sermon: The Footsteps of the Faithful [October 18] Sermon, Worship Faithful and Loving God: We come to worship today to hear your good news, to hear of faith, hope and… October 18, 2020 0 3365
Sermon: The Body of Christ Broken for You, the Broken [October 4] Sermon, Worship O Redeemer God, as we gather in worship on this World Communion Sunday, we ask that you send your Holy… October 4, 2020 0 3142
Sermon: The Ability to Forgive is a Gift from God [September 27] Sermon, Worship And now, O God, we humbly ask that the peace of Christ might rule in our hearts, that you would… September 27, 2020 0 2923