Sermon: Accepting Christ’s Amazing Grace for ALL [September 20] Sermon, Worship The story sounds as if it were a dreamed up tale; however, this sort of thing was real in Palestine.… September 20, 2020 0 1970
Sermon: Experiencing Joy in All Circumstances [September 13] Sermon, Worship The late Rev. John Henry Jowett, said, “Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin and an antiseptic. It is a vaccine… September 13, 2020 0 2047
Sermon: The Joy of Sacrificial Living [September 6] Sermon, Worship “What kind of Christian experience produces great, satisfying, life-affirming and visible JOY in the life of the believer, even in… September 6, 2020 0 1910
Sermon: Joy of Christian Fellowship [August 30] Sermon, Worship Christ is God’s gift to the world. The church is Christ’s gift to the world. When faithful to its calling,… August 30, 2020 0 2125
Sermon: Choosing JOY [August 23] Sermon, Worship What shall I choose? Have you ever been faced with choices? None of us have any choice about being born,… August 23, 2020 0 2027