Sermon: Child of God, Fear Not [July 12] Sermon, Worship Fear does terrible things to us, doesn’t it? It causes us to make fools of ourselves. It limits our aspirations.… July 12, 2020 0 1536
Sermon: Give Your Burden to Jesus, But Don’t Take It Back [July 5] Sermon, Worship Some of you may have seen the Johnny Cash movie, Walk the Line. When Cash was 12 years old, his… July 5, 2020 0 1392
Sermon: Through Tears with Hope [June 28] Sermon, Worship “How long, O Lord?” How long? Ever ask that question? Most of us have, since this virus began Friday, March… June 28, 2020 0 1285
Sermon: Thank God for Faithful Fathers [June 21] Sermon, Worship Invocation Eternal God, who sees beyond our ability, and plans beyond our understanding. We come before you on this day… June 21, 2020 0 1448
Sermon: It’s All About Grace? [June 14] Sermon, Worship Message Christianity is about grace. It is not about rules or requirements, it’s about grace. It is not bad news,… June 13, 2020 0 1855