Young At Heart: January 2018

Ruby Tuesday, Avenues 10300 Southside Blvd #242, Jacksonville, FL, United States

The Young at Heart group will meet at Ruby Tuesday in the Avenues Mall on Thursday, January 18, at 11:00…

Young At Heart: Olive Garden

Olive Garden, Avenues 10144 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL, United States

This lively group will meet at Olive Garden near the Avenues Mall on Thursday, February 15, at 11:00 a.m. There…

Young At Heart Christmas Luncheon

YAH will meet at Jean Kindred’s home at 11:00 a.m. for a potluck luncheon. Please indicate your attendance on the…

Young At Heart

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 11924 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, United States

If you are not familiar with the Young at Heart, it is a Christian fellowship group that seeks to empower…