We have several ways you can contribute to the church, including a new app for your smart phone that will allow you to make contributions directly to the church. The app is called Givelify, and, once you set it up on your phone, you can make regular contributions — and even set recurring contributions — right from your phone. Simply install the app, search for First Christian Church Jacksonville, and enter your payment information. Givelify offers a helpful step-by-step guide to making your first contribution on their website.
You can also click the icon below to give right through your browser.

We now support giving through Paypal. Setting up recurring payments through Paypal or your financial institution is an easy way of upholding your commitment to the church each year. It’s easy to set up online giving through your own bank or credit union, or you can use the Paypal button to give with your credit or debit card.
Please note: If you give through Paypal, know that the church pays a fee to accept that gift. If you give $10, the church only receives $9.41. If you give $100, the church receives $96.80. If you want to ensure the entirety of your gift gets to the church, you could use a calculator like the Fee Calculator to determine how much you should add to your gift to cover the fees Paypal charges.
All donations to the church are tax-deductible.